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Independent woodland consultant


Young broadleaf tree protected with deer guard

Woodland Creation

  • Audit / Budget / Design

  •  Grant Applications

  • Carbon Registration

  • Quality Planting Stock

  • Planting / Guarding / Maintenance

forestry landscape

Woodland Management Plans

  • 50 Year Strategic Plans

  • 10 Year Woodland Management Plans

  • 5 Year Operational Plans

  • Annual Operations Programme & Budget

timber stack of ash firewood

Timber Harvesting

  • Measuring

  • Marking

  • Marketing

  • Standing Sales

  • Roadside Sales

timber stack of norway spruce sawlogs

Grant Applications

  • CS Woodland Management Plan

  • CS Wodland Tree Health 

  • CS Higher Tier scheme.

  • English Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) 

  • Woodland Creation Planning grant (WCPG)

planting trees

Managing Contractors

  • Felling​

  • Planting

  • Site Preparation

  • Fencing

timber stack of douglas fir sawlogs

Felling Licences & Permisisons

  • Applications and approval from Forestry Commission

  • Outlining restock species.

  • Obtaining permissions from NE & HE on protected sites (SSSI & SAM etc.)

About Us

Huw Lloyd established HJL Forestry 2023 to provide an independent woodland consultancy service to landowners. We assist landowners to manage their woodlands and can advise on a range of matters including silviculture, plans, licences, grants, operations, timber sales, restocking and maintenance.


Please visit our Services page to see a full list of the work we undertake for clients.


The business is based in Oxfordshire but works across central and southern England and Wales.


Prior to starting the business Huw spent 6 years working for two well respected woodland consultancy businesses managing a range of woodlands for a wide variety of different owners. Before this he spent 4 years running a small private shoot in the Cotswolds and 6 years working for BASC (British Association for Shooting and Conservation).

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Profile photo.jpg
woodland landscape
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